erek erek anting anting
erek erek anting anting Based on observations made by Mrs. Ciwuk during the program, the number of SID students as of February erek erek anting anting 2024 was recorded as follows: Elementary School (SD) grades 1 to 6, with a total of 15 erek erek anting anting children comprising 12 boys and 5 girls; Junior High School (SMP) grades 7 to 9, with 29 children consisting of 11 boys and 18 girls; and Senior High School (SMA) grades 10 to 12, with 41 children constituting 21 boys and 20 girls. erek erek anting anting
One of the unique aspects of SID is that the school has a male and female dormitory for Indonesian children erek erek anting anting whose parents live far from Davao City and live below the welfare line, where they get their daily necessities for free. erek erek anting anting