kamis olxtoto
kamis olxtoto The storytelling activity was chosen due to the lack of knowledge about Indonesian kamis olxtoto history and the limited mastery of the Indonesian language among most SID students. kamis olxtoto
As is known, SID is a school for Indonesian children who were born in Davao and have kamis olxtoto lived there and still chose to be Indonesian citizens. Apart from that, the others are children of local staff at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao. kamis olxtoto
Hence, the mastery of Indonesian is minimal. Thus, conveying learning materials through storytelling is considered one of the strategies for boosting literacy in students. kamis olxtoto
Although the activity is often found in the early childhood learning process, Mrs. Ciwuk Musiana believes it does not mean that older children do not need and do not like the concept of storytelling. kamis olxtoto